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#ISEPpapers 20: April, May, and June 2023

Updated: Jul 15, 2023

Your twentieth digest of papers and preprints published by members of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology is here. Do you like your #ISEPpapers as fresh as possible? Follow us on Mastodon or Twitter. You can also join our Facebook group. Enjoy!

Phylogenomics of novel ploeotid taxa contribute to the backbone of the euglenid tree. Gordon Lax, Anna Cho, Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

Maturases and Group II Introns in the Mitochondrial Genomes of the Deepest Jakobid Branch. Luis Javier Galindo, Kristina Prokina, Guifré Torruella, Purificación López-García, David Moreira. Read.

Characterisation of the SUF FeS cluster machinery in the amitochondriate eukaryote Monocercomonoides exilis. Priscila Peña-Diaz, Joseph J. Braymer, Vojtěch Vacek, Marie Zelená, Stefano Lometto, Ivan Hrdý, Sebastian C. Treitli, Georg Hochberg, Béatrice Py, Roland Lill, Vladimír Hampl. Read.

Cationic Solution and Solid-State Emitters – Robust Imaging Agents for Cells, Bacteria, and Protists. Justin Dubbert, Alexander Höing, Nadine Graupner, Ľubomír Rajter, Micah Dunthorn, Shirley K. Knauer, Anzhela Galstyan, Fabio Rizzo, Jens Voskuhl. Read.

High quality genome and transcriptome data for two new species of Mantamonas, a deep-branching eukaryote clade. Jazmin Blaz, Luis Javier Galindo, Aaron A. Heiss, Harpreet Kaur, Guifré Torruella, Ashley Yang, L. Alexa Thompson, Alexander Filbert, Sally Warring, Apurva Narechania, Takashi Shiratori, et al. Read.

Single-Cell Genomics Reveals the Divergent Mitochondrial Genomes of Retaria (Foraminifera and Radiolaria). Jan-Niklas Macher Nicole L. Coots, Yu-Ping Poh, Elsa B. Girard, Anouk Langerak, Sergio A. Muñoz-Gómez, Savar D. Sinha, Dagmar Jirsová, Rutger Vos, Richard Wissels, Gillian H. Gile, Willem Renema, Jeremy G. Wideman. Read.

Inference and reconstruction of the heimdallarchaeial ancestry of eukaryotes. Laura Eme, Daniel Tamarit, Eva F. Caceres, Courtney W. Stairs, Valerie De Anda, Max E. Schön, Kiley W. Seitz, Nina Dombrowski, William H. Lewis, et al. Read.

Recent expansion of metabolic versatility in Diplonema papillatum, the model species of a highly speciose group of marine eukaryotes. Matus Valach, Sandrine Moreira, Celine Petitjean, Corinna Benz, Anzhelika Butenko, Olga Flegontova, Anna Nenarokova, et al. Read.

The symbiotic origin of the eukaryotic cell. Purificación López-García, David Moreira. Read.

A Novel Group of Dynamin-Related Proteins Shared by Eukaryotes and Giant Viruses Is Able to Remodel Mitochondria From Within the Matrix. Shaghayegh Sheikh, Tomáš Pánek, Ondřej Gahura, Jiří Týč, Kristína Záhonová, Julius Lukeš, Marek Eliáš, Hassan Hashimi. Read.

Phylogenomics shows that novel tapeworm-like traits of haplozoan parasites evolved from within the Peridiniales (Dinoflagellata). Eunji Park, Elizabeth Cooney, Yong Heng Phua, Takeo Horiguchi, Filip Husnik, Patrick Keeling, Kevin Wakeman, Brian Leander. Read.

Gene expression dynamics of natural assemblages of heterotrophic flagellates during bacterivory. Aleix Obiol, David López-Escardó, Eric D. Salomaki, Monika M. Wiśniewska, Irene Forn, Elisabet Sà, Dolors Vaqué, Martin Kolísko & Ramon Massana. Read.

New Parabasalia symbionts Snyderella spp. and Daimonympha gen. nov. from South American Rugitermes termites and the parallel evolution of a cell with a rotating “head”. Elisabeth Hehenberger, Vittorio Boscaro, Erick R. James, Yoshihisa Hirakawa, Morelia Trznadel, Mahara Mtawali, Rebecca Fiorito, Javier del Campo, Anna Karnkowska, Martin Kolisko, Nicholas A. T. Irwin, Varsha Mathur, Rudolf H. Scheffrahn, Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

Contrasting outcomes of genome reduction in mikrocytids and microsporidians. Vojtečh Žárský, Anna Karnkowska, Vittorio Boscaro, Morelia Trznadel, Thomas A. Whelan, Markus Hiltunen-Thorén, Ioana Onut-Brännström, Cathryn L. Abbott, Naomi M. Fast, Fabien Burki & Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

Draft genomes of Blastocystis subtypes from human samples of Colombia. Adriana Higuera, Dayana E. Salas-Leiva, Bruce Curtis, Luz H. Patiño, Dandan Zhao, Jon Jerlström-Hultqvist, Marlena Dlutek, Marina Muñoz, Andrew J. Roger & Juan David Ramírez. Read.



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