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ISEP Election Results & Final Presidential Message

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

Dear ISEP Community,

This week I was so pleased to welcome ISEP members (virtually) into my kitchen for our ISEP 2020 Annual General Meeting. It was wonderful to see so many friendly familiar faces, along with new colleagues. Reports from our Membership Director Anastasios Tsaousis and our Treasurer Claudio Slamovits reassured us that the Society is in great shape, with a growing membership and solid financial basis.

In addition to other business, two particularly notable items were resolved at the meeting:

1) The ISEP virtual seminar series will be restarted in the Winter Term. We are looking for volunteers to join the existing team and help coordinate the ISEP virtual seminar series. If interested, please email

2) The membership passed a motion to approve a new membership price of $10 CDN for a 2 year membership for ISEP members from Low and Lower Middle Income Countries. This motion is intended to address fiscal disparities between currencies and funding in those countries with countries of traditional ISEP involvement and to make ISEP membership broader and more globally inclusive. Please see the website for details.

Finally, the newly elected ISEP EC was announced as follows below. With this team at the helm, the future of ISEP is very bright indeed!

And with that, the Presidency of ISEP turns over to my friend and colleague Dr. Sonja Rueckert.

It has been my pleasure and privilege to have served for the past two years. Thank you all for the honour of allowing me to have been your President.

Happy Holidays, be safe and well this season

Joel Dacks


ISEP Executive Committee 2020-2022

President Elect

Purificación Lopez-Garcia

European Councillor

Ross Waller


Laura Eme


Claudio Slamovits

North American Councillor

Gillian Gile

Membership Director

Michelle Leger

Media Director

Lukas Novak

Councillor at Large

Ryoma Kamikawa

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