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Videos From the 2nd ESOP: Electronic Symposium on Protistology AKA #ProtistOnline

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

Tuesday, June 23

15:15 - 15:45 JST / 8:15 - 8:45 CET. Geoff McFadden (University of Melbourne, Australia): When SWEETs turn sour: bidirectional sugar transporters power dinoflagellate/coral symbioses in one direction but potentiated parasitism in the other.

15:45 - 15:50 JST / 8:45 - 8:50 CET. Kevin Wakeman (Hokkaido University, Japan): Exploring biodiversity and speciation patterns in marine apicomplexans.

15:50 - 16:20 JST / 8:50 - 9:20 CET. Ruth S. Eriksen (University of Tasmania, Australia): Tintinnid diversity in the Southern Ocean and relationships with phytoplankton - a microscopists dream.

16:20 - 16:25 JST / 9:20 - 9:25 CET. Elizabeth Ostrowski (Massey University, New Zealand): Population genomics of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.

16:45 - 17:15 JST / 9:45 - 10:15 CET. Mahwash Jamy (Uppsala University, Sweden): A phylogenetic perspective on environmental diversity.

17:15 - 17:20 JST / 10:15 - 10:20 CET. Anna M. G. Novák Vanclová (IBENS, France): Euglenids, dinoflagellates, and their shopping bags.

17:20 - 17:50 JST / 10:20 - 10:50 CET. Akinori Yabuki (JAMSTEC, Japan): Expanding Cryptista, illuminated by the study of Microheliella maris.

17:50 - 17:55 JST / 10:50 - 10:55 CET. Tristan Biard (Laboratoire d’Océanologie et Géosciences MREN, France): Can protistan ecology be inferred from in situ images?

Wednesday, June 24

15:15 - 15:45 JST / 8:15 - 8:45 CET. Miguel Frada (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel): Life cycle complexities of a bloom forming phytoplankton.

15:45 - 15:50 JST / 8:45 - 8:50 CET. Antonia Cristi (University of Otago & National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand): Phytoplankton diversity across two contrasting oceanographic regions of the SW Pacific.

15:50 - 16:20 JST / 8:50 - 9:20 CET. Charmaine C. M. Yung (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology): Interplay between green algae and viruses in the sea.

16:20 - 16:25 JST / 9:20 - 9:25 CET. Hyeon Been Lee (Kyungpook National University, South Korea): Biodiversity patterns of uncultured eukaryotes in hypersaline environments using the illumina platform with two different biomarkers.

16:45 - 17:15 JST / 9:45 - 10:15 CET. Daniel Vaulot (NTU, Singapore & CNRS, France): The Protist Ribosomal Reference Database (PR2): status and prospects.

17:15 - 17:20 JST / 10:15 - 10:20 CET. Karl Safi (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand): Parasitism of diatoms in the Chatham Rise subtropical front East of New Zealand during summer.

17:20 - 17:50 JST / 10:20 - 10:50 CET. Megan Sørensen (Stockholm University, Sweden): The rapid recovery of fitness in a partner-switched Paramecium bursaria – Chlorella symbiosis.

17:50 - 17:55 JST / 10:50 - 10:55 CET. Drahomíra Faktorová (Institute of Parasitology, Czech Academy of Sciences & University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic): Genetic tool development in marine protists: Emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology.

17:55 - 18:00 JST / 10:55 - 11:00 CET. Mariana Câmara dos Reis (UMR7144, CNRS & Sorbonne Université, Station Biologique de Roscoff, Ecology of Marine Plankton team, France): From culture collection to the global ocean: a voyage into the microbiome of Emiliania huxleyi.

Follow the Protist.Online Twitter account: @ESOP_OA

Watch videos from all Protists.Online events: Protist.Online YouTube


1 Comment

Derek Dawson
Derek Dawson
Sep 22, 2022

Niice blog post

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